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kivy.uix.video のソースコード


The :class:`Video` widget is used to display video files and streams.
Depending on your Video core provider, platform, and plugins, you will
be able to play different formats. For example, the pygame video
provider only supports MPEG1 on Linux and OSX. GStreamer is more
versatile, and can read many video containers and codecs such as MKV,
OGV, AVI, MOV, FLV (if the correct gstreamer plugins are installed). Our
:class:`~kivy.core.video.VideoBase` implementation is used under the

Video loading is asynchronous - many properties are not available until
the video is loaded (when the texture is created)::

    def on_position_change(instance, value):
        print('The position in the video is', value)
    def on_duration_change(instance, value):
        print('The duration of the video is', value)
    video = Video(source='PandaSneezes.avi')


__all__ = ('Video', )

from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.uix.image import Image
from kivy.core.video import Video as CoreVideo
from kivy.resources import resource_find
from kivy.properties import (BooleanProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty,

[ドキュメント]class Video(Image): '''Video class. See module documentation for more information. ''' state = OptionProperty('stop', options=('play', 'pause', 'stop')) '''String, indicates whether to play, pause, or stop the video:: # start playing the video at creation video = Video(source='movie.mkv', state='play') # create the video, and start later video = Video(source='movie.mkv') # and later video.state = 'play' :attr:`state` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to 'stop'. ''' play = BooleanProperty(False) ''' .. deprecated:: 1.4.0 Use :attr:`state` instead. Boolean, indicates whether the video is playing or not. You can start/stop the video by setting this property:: # start playing the video at creation video = Video(source='movie.mkv', play=True) # create the video, and start later video = Video(source='movie.mkv') # and later video.play = True :attr:`play` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to False. .. deprecated:: 1.4.0 Use :attr:`state` instead. ''' eos = BooleanProperty(False) '''Boolean, indicates whether the video has finished playing or not (reached the end of the stream). :attr:`eos` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to False. ''' loaded = BooleanProperty(False) '''Boolean, indicates whether the video is loaded and ready for playback or not. .. versionadded:: 1.6.0 :attr:`loaded` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to False. ''' position = NumericProperty(-1) '''Position of the video between 0 and :attr:`duration`. The position defaults to -1 and is set to a real position when the video is loaded. :attr:`position` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to -1. ''' duration = NumericProperty(-1) '''Duration of the video. The duration defaults to -1, and is set to a real duration when the video is loaded. :attr:`duration` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to -1. ''' volume = NumericProperty(1.) '''Volume of the video, in the range 0-1. 1 means full volume, 0 means mute. :attr:`volume` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to 1. ''' options = ObjectProperty({}) '''Options to pass at Video core object creation. .. versionadded:: 1.0.4 :attr:`options` is an :class:`kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to {}. ''' _video_load_event = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._video = None super(Video, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.fbind('source', self._trigger_video_load) if "eos" in kwargs: self.options["eos"] = kwargs["eos"] if self.source: self._trigger_video_load()
[ドキュメント] def seek(self, percent): '''Change the position to a percentage of duration. Percentage must be a value between 0-1. .. warning:: Calling seek() before the video is loaded has no impact. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 ''' if self._video is None: raise Exception('Video not loaded.') self._video.seek(percent)
def _trigger_video_load(self, *largs): ev = self._video_load_event if ev is None: ev = self._video_load_event = Clock.schedule_once( self._do_video_load, -1) ev() def _do_video_load(self, *largs): if CoreVideo is None: return if self._video: self._video.stop() if not self.source: self._video = None self.texture = None else: filename = self.source # Check if filename is not url if '://' not in filename: filename = resource_find(filename) self._video = CoreVideo(filename=filename, **self.options) self._video.volume = self.volume self._video.bind(on_load=self._on_load, on_frame=self._on_video_frame, on_eos=self._on_eos) if self.state == 'play' or self.play: self._video.play() self.duration = 1. self.position = 0. def on_play(self, instance, value): value = 'play' if value else 'stop' return self.on_state(instance, value) def on_state(self, instance, value): if not self._video: return if value == 'play': if self.eos: self._video.stop() self._video.position = 0. self._video.eos = False self.eos = False self._video.play() elif value == 'pause': self._video.pause() else: self._video.stop() self._video.position = 0 self._video.eos = False def _on_video_frame(self, *largs): video = self._video if not video: return self.duration = video.duration self.position = video.position self.texture = video.texture self.canvas.ask_update() def _on_eos(self, *largs): if self._video.eos != 'loop': self.state = 'stop' self.eos = True def _on_load(self, *largs): self.loaded = True self._on_video_frame(largs) def on_volume(self, instance, value): if self._video: self._video.volume = value
[ドキュメント] def unload(self): '''Unload the video. The playback will be stopped. .. versionadded:: 1.8.0 ''' if self._video: self._video.stop() self._video.unload() self._video = None
if __name__ == '__main__': from kivy.app import App import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("usage: %s file" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) class VideoApp(App): def build(self): self.v = Video(source=sys.argv[1], state='play') self.v.bind(state=self.replay) return self.v def replay(self, *args): if self.v.state == 'stop': self.v.state = 'play' VideoApp().run()