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Tree View


バージョン 1.0.4 で追加.

TreeView is a widget used to represent a tree structure. It is currently very basic, supporting a minimal feature set.


A TreeView is populated with TreeViewNode instances, but you cannot use a TreeViewNode directly. You must combine it with another widget, such as Label, Button or even your own widget. The TreeView always creates a default root node, based on TreeViewLabel.

TreeViewNode is a class object containing needed properties for serving as a tree node. Extend TreeViewNode to create custom node types for use with a TreeView.

For constructing your own subclass, follow the pattern of TreeViewLabel which combines a Label and a TreeViewNode, producing a TreeViewLabel for direct use in a TreeView instance.

To use the TreeViewLabel class, you could create two nodes directly attached to root:

tv = TreeView()
tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='My first item'))
tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='My second item'))

Or, create two nodes attached to a first:

tv = TreeView()
n1 = tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='Item 1'))
tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='SubItem 1'), n1)
tv.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text='SubItem 2'), n1)

If you have a large tree structure, perhaps you would need a utility function to populate the tree view:

def populate_tree_view(tree_view, parent, node):
    if parent is None:
        tree_node = tree_view.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text=node['node_id'],
        tree_node = tree_view.add_node(TreeViewLabel(text=node['node_id'],
                                                     is_open=True), parent)

    for child_node in node['children']:
        populate_tree_view(tree_view, tree_node, child_node)

tree = {'node_id': '1',
        'children': [{'node_id': '1.1',
                      'children': [{'node_id': '1.1.1',
                                    'children': [{'node_id': '',
                                                  'children': []}]},
                                   {'node_id': '1.1.2',
                                    'children': []},
                                   {'node_id': '1.1.3',
                                    'children': []}]},
                      {'node_id': '1.2',
                       'children': []}]}

class TreeWidget(FloatLayout):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(TreeWidget, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        tv = TreeView(root_options=dict(text='Tree One'),

        populate_tree_view(tv, None, tree)


The root widget in the tree view is opened by default and has text set as ‘Root’. If you want to change that, you can use the TreeView.root_options property. This will pass options to the root widget:

tv = TreeView(root_options=dict(text='My root label'))

Creating Your Own Node Widget

For a button node type, combine a Button and a TreeViewNode as follows:

class TreeViewButton(Button, TreeViewNode):

You must know that, for a given node, only the size_hint_x will be honored. The allocated width for the node will depend of the current width of the TreeView and the level of the node. For example, if a node is at level 4, the width allocated will be:

treeview.width - treeview.indent_start - treeview.indent_level * node.level

You might have some trouble with that. It is the developer’s responsibility to correctly handle adapting the graphical representation nodes, if needed.

class kivy.uix.treeview.TreeView(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.widget.Widget

TreeView class. See module documentation for more information.

on_node_expand: (node, )

Fired when a node is being expanded

on_node_collapse: (node, )

Fired when a node is being collapsed

add_node(node, parent=None)[ソース]

Add a new node to the tree.

node: instance of a TreeViewNode

Node to add into the tree

parent: instance of a TreeViewNode, defaults to None

Parent node to attach the new node. If None, it is added to the root node.


the node node.


Deselect any selected node.

バージョン 1.10.0 で追加.


Get the node at the position (x, y).


Use this property to show/hide the initial root node. If True, the root node will be appear as a closed node.

hide_root is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Width used for the indentation of each level except the first level.

Computation of indent for each level of the tree is:

indent = indent_start + level * indent_level

indent_level is a NumericProperty and defaults to 16.


Indentation width of the level 0 / root node. This is mostly the initial size to accommodate a tree icon (collapsed / expanded). See indent_level for more information about the computation of level indentation.

indent_start is a NumericProperty and defaults to 24.


Generator to iterate over all nodes from node and down whether expanded or not. If node is None, the generator start with root.


Generator to iterate over all the expended nodes starting from node and down. If node is None, the generator start with root.

To get all the open nodes:

treeview = TreeView()
# ... add nodes ...
for node in treeview.iterate_open_nodes():

Callback to use for asynchronous loading. If set, asynchronous loading will be automatically done. The callback must act as a Python generator function, using yield to send data back to the treeview.

The callback should be in the format:

def callback(treeview, node):
    for name in ('Item 1', 'Item 2'):
        yield TreeViewLabel(text=name)

load_func is a ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


Minimum height needed to contain all children.

バージョン 1.0.9 で追加.

minimum_height is a kivy.properties.NumericProperty and defaults to 0.


Minimum size needed to contain all children.

バージョン 1.0.9 で追加.

minimum_size is a ReferenceListProperty of (minimum_width, minimum_height) properties.


Minimum width needed to contain all children.

バージョン 1.0.9 で追加.

minimum_width is a kivy.properties.NumericProperty and defaults to 0.


Removes a node from the tree.

バージョン 1.0.7 で追加.

node: instance of a TreeViewNode

Node to remove from the tree. If node is root, it is not removed.


Root node.

By default, the root node widget is a TreeViewLabel with text ‘Root’. If you want to change the default options passed to the widget creation, use the root_options property:

treeview = TreeView(root_options={
    'text': 'Root directory',
    'font_size': 15})

root_options will change the properties of the TreeViewLabel instance. However, you cannot change the class used for root node yet.

root is an AliasProperty and defaults to None. It is read-only. However, the content of the widget can be changed.


Default root options to pass for root widget. See root property for more information about the usage of root_options.

root_options is an ObjectProperty and defaults to {}.


Select a node in the tree.


Node selected by TreeView.select_node() or by touch.

selected_node is a AliasProperty and defaults to None. It is read-only.


Toggle the state of the node (open/collapsed).

exception kivy.uix.treeview.TreeViewException[ソース]

ベースクラス: Exception

Exception for errors in the TreeView.

class kivy.uix.treeview.TreeViewLabel(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.label.Label, kivy.uix.treeview.TreeViewNode

Combines a Label and a TreeViewNode to create a TreeViewLabel that can be used as a text node in the tree.

See module documentation for more information.

class kivy.uix.treeview.TreeViewNode(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: builtins.object

TreeViewNode class, used to build a node class for a TreeView object.


Background color of the node when the node is selected.

color_selected is a ListProperty and defaults to [.1, .1, .1, 1].


Background color of even nodes when the node is not selected.

bg_color is a ListProperty ans defaults to [.5, .5, .5, .1].


Boolean to indicate whether this node is a leaf or not. Used to adjust the graphical representation.

is_leaf is a BooleanProperty and defaults to True. It is automatically set to False when child is added.


Boolean to indicate whether this node is already loaded or not. This property is used only if the TreeView uses asynchronous loading.

is_loaded is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Boolean to indicate whether this node is opened or not, in case there are child nodes. This is used to adjust the graphical representation.


This property is automatically set by the TreeView. You can read but not write it.

is_open is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Boolean to indicate whether this node is selected or not. This is used adjust the graphical representation.


This property is automatically set by the TreeView. You can read but not write it.

is_selected is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Level of the node.

level is a NumericProperty and defaults to -1.

Boolean used to indicate whether selection of the node is allowed or

no_selection is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


List of nodes. The nodes list is different than the children list. A node in the nodes list represents a node on the tree. An item in the children list represents the widget associated with the node.


This property is automatically set by the TreeView. You can read but not write it.

nodes is a ListProperty and defaults to [].


This property is set by the TreeView widget automatically and is read-only.

odd is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Background color of odd nodes when the node is not selected.

odd_color is a ListProperty and defaults to [1., 1., 1., 0.].


Parent node. This attribute is needed because the parent can be None when the node is not displayed.

バージョン 1.0.7 で追加.

parent_node is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.