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Settings (翻訳中)

バージョン 1.0.7 で追加.

このモジュールは、パラメータやプリファレンス (Preferences) 設定用の Settings インターフェースをあなたのアプリに加えるための、完全かつ拡張可能な枠組みを提供してくれます。デフォルトでは、このインターフェースは SettingsWithSpinner を使用しますが、これは上部にある Spinner から成り立っていて、下部にある個々の設定用パネル間の切替を可能とします。代替手段については Different panel layouts(様々なパネルのレイアウト) を見てください。


SettingsPanel クラスにより、設定可能なオプションのグループを表現することができます。パネルが追加されると、Settings クラスは SettingsPanel.title プロパティを読み込み、パネルに対応したサイドバー(あるいはタブなど)のボタンのタイトルとします。 SettingsPanel は ConfigParser (コンフィグパーサ) インスタンスを制御します。

パネルはJSON定義ファイルから自動的に生成することもできます:設定と、対応するセクション・キーを ConfigParser インスタンスに渡すだけです!

Settings はアプリクラス( App )にも組み込まれています。Kivyのコアな部分に関して設定するには、 Settings.add_kivy_panel() メソッドを使ってください。

JSON からパネルを作成


  • ConfigParser インスタンス (すべてのオプションについて、setdefaultsメソッドによってデフォルト値が指定されていなければならない)

  • JSONファイル


Kivyのコンフィグパーサクラスである、 kivy.config.ConfigParser を使わなければなりません。Python標準の ConfigParser は、ここでは使えません。

ConfigParser オブジェクトを生成し、それを操作しなければなりません。SettingPanel は関連づけられた ConfigParser オブジェクトから値を読み込みます。JSONファイルに現れるすべてのオプションについて、(setdefaults によって)デフォルト値が設定されていることを確認してください。


        "type": "title",
        "title": "Windows"
        "type": "bool",
        "title": "Fullscreen",
        "desc": "Set the window in windowed or fullscreen",
        "section": "graphics",
        "key": "fullscreen",
        "true": "auto"




title SettingTitle
bool SettingBoolean
numeric SettingNumeric
options SettingOptions
string SettingString
path SettingPath

バージョン 1.1.0 で追加: SettingPath が追加されました。

上記のJSONの例では、最初の要素の “type” キーの値は “title” です。これにより、 SettingTitle クラスのインスタンスが生成され、残りのキーと値の対が、このクラスのプロパティの値に適用されます。この場合は “title” キーの値が “Windows” となっているので、このパネルにおける title プロパティの値は、 “Windows” になるのです。

Settings インスタンスに JSON を流し込むには、 Settings.add_json_panel() メソッドを使いましょう。これは自動的に SettingsPanel インスタンスを生成し、それを Settings インスタンスに追加します:

from kivy.config import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser()

s = Settings()
s.add_json_panel('My custom panel', config, 'settings_custom.json')
s.add_json_panel('Another panel', config, 'settings_test2.json')

# then use the s as a widget...

Different panel layouts(様々なパネルのレイアウト)

A kivy App can automatically create and display a Settings instance. See the settings_cls documentation for details on how to choose which settings class to display.

Several pre-built settings widgets are available. All except SettingsWithNoMenu include close buttons triggering the on_close event.

You can construct your own settings panels with any layout you choose by setting Settings.interface_cls. This should be a widget that displays a json settings panel with some way to switch between panels. An instance will be automatically created by Settings.

Interface widgets may be anything you like, but must have a method add_panel that receives newly created json settings panels for the interface to display. See the documentation for InterfaceWithSidebar for more information. They may optionally dispatch an on_close event, for instance if a close button is clicked. This event is used by Settings to trigger its own on_close event.

For a complete, working example, please see kivy/examples/settings/main.py.

class kivy.uix.settings.Settings(*args, **kargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

Settings UI. Check module documentation for more information on how to use this class.

on_config_change: ConfigParser instance, section, key, value

Fired when the section’s key-value pair of a ConfigParser changes.


Fired by the default panel when the Close button is pressed.


(Internal) creates an instance of Settings.interface_cls, and sets it to interface. When json panels are created, they will be added to this interface which will display them to the user.

add_json_panel(title, config, filename=None, data=None)[ソース]

Create and add a new SettingsPanel using the configuration config with the JSON definition filename.

Check the JSON からパネルを作成 section in the documentation for more information about JSON format and the usage of this function.


Add a panel for configuring Kivy. This panel acts directly on the kivy configuration. Feel free to include or exclude it in your configuration.

See use_kivy_settings() for information on enabling/disabling the automatic kivy panel.

create_json_panel(title, config, filename=None, data=None)[ソース]

Create new SettingsPanel.

バージョン 1.5.0 で追加.

Check the documentation of add_json_panel() for more information.


(internal) Reference to the widget that will contain, organise and display the panel configuration panel widgets.

interface is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


The widget class that will be used to display the graphical interface for the settings panel. By default, it displays one Settings panel at a time with a sidebar to switch between them.

interface_cls is an ObjectProperty and defaults to InterfaceWithSidebar.

バージョン 1.8.0 で変更: If you set a string, the Factory will be used to resolve the class.

register_type(tp, cls)[ソース]

Register a new type that can be used in the JSON definition.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingsPanel(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.gridlayout.GridLayout

This class is used to contruct panel settings, for use with a Settings instance or subclass.


A kivy.config.ConfigParser instance. See module documentation for more information.

get_value(section, key)[ソース]

Return the value of the section/key from the config ConfigParser instance. This function is used by SettingItem to get the value for a given section/key.

If you don’t want to use a ConfigParser instance, you might want to override this function.


A Settings instance that will be used to fire the on_config_change event.


Title of the panel. The title will be reused by the Settings in the sidebar.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingItem(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.floatlayout.FloatLayout

Base class for individual settings (within a panel). This class cannot be used directly; it is used for implementing the other setting classes. It builds a row with a title/description (left) and a setting control (right).

Look at SettingBoolean, SettingNumeric and SettingOptions for usage examples.


Fired when the item is touched and then released.


(internal) Reference to the widget that contains the real setting. As soon as the content object is set, any further call to add_widget will call the content.add_widget. This is automatically set.

content is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


Description of the setting, rendered on the line below the title.

desc is a StringProperty and defaults to None.


Indicate if this setting is disabled. If True, all touches on the setting item will be discarded.

disabled is a BooleanProperty and defaults to False.


Key of the token inside the section in the ConfigParser instance.

key is a StringProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) Reference to the SettingsPanel for this setting. You don’t need to use it.

panel is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


Section of the token inside the ConfigParser instance.

section is a StringProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) Float value from 0 to 1, used to animate the background when the user touches the item.

selected_alpha is a NumericProperty and defaults to 0.


Title of the setting, defaults to ‘<No title set>’.

title is a StringProperty and defaults to ‘<No title set>’.


Value of the token according to the ConfigParser instance. Any change to this value will trigger a Settings.on_config_change() event.

value is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingString(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.SettingItem

Implementation of a string setting on top of a SettingItem. It is visualized with a Label widget that, when clicked, will open a Popup with a Textinput so the user can enter a custom value.


(internal) Used to store the current popup when it’s shown.

popup is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) Used to store the current textinput from the popup and to listen for changes.

textinput is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingPath(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.SettingItem

Implementation of a Path setting on top of a SettingItem. It is visualized with a Label widget that, when clicked, will open a Popup with a FileChooserListView so the user can enter a custom value.

バージョン 1.1.0 で追加.


Whether to allow selection of directories.

dirselect is a BooleanProperty and defaults to True.

バージョン 1.10.0 で追加.


(internal) Used to store the current popup when it is shown.

popup is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


Whether to show ‘hidden’ filenames. What that means is operating-system-dependent.

show_hidden is an BooleanProperty and defaults to False.

バージョン 1.10.0 で追加.


(internal) Used to store the current textinput from the popup and to listen for changes.

textinput is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingBoolean(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.SettingItem

Implementation of a boolean setting on top of a SettingItem. It is visualized with a Switch widget. By default, 0 and 1 are used for values: you can change them by setting values.


Values used to represent the state of the setting. If you want to use “yes” and “no” in your ConfigParser instance:

SettingBoolean(..., values=['no', 'yes'])


You need a minimum of two values, the index 0 will be used as False, and index 1 as True

values is a ListProperty and defaults to [‘0’, ‘1’]

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingNumeric(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.SettingString

Implementation of a numeric setting on top of a SettingString. It is visualized with a Label widget that, when clicked, will open a Popup with a Textinput so the user can enter a custom value.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingOptions(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.SettingItem

Implementation of an option list on top of a SettingItem. It is visualized with a Label widget that, when clicked, will open a Popup with a list of options from which the user can select.


List of all availables options. This must be a list of “string” items. Otherwise, it will crash. :)

options is a ListProperty and defaults to [].


(internal) Used to store the current popup when it is shown.

popup is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingTitle(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.label.Label

A simple title label, used to organize the settings in sections.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingsWithSidebar(*args, **kargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.Settings

A settings widget that displays settings panels with a sidebar to switch between them. This is the default behaviour of Settings, and this widget is a trivial wrapper subclass.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingsWithSpinner(*args, **kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.Settings

A settings widget that displays one settings panel at a time with a spinner at the top to switch between them.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingsWithTabbedPanel(*args, **kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.Settings

A settings widget that displays settings panels as pages in a TabbedPanel.

class kivy.uix.settings.SettingsWithNoMenu(*args, **kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.settings.Settings

A settings widget that displays a single settings panel with no Close button. It will not accept more than one Settings panel. It is intended for use in programs with few enough settings that a full panel switcher is not useful.


This Settings panel does not provide a Close button, and so it is impossible to leave the settings screen unless you also add other behaviour or override display_settings() and close_settings().

class kivy.uix.settings.InterfaceWithSidebar(*args, **kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.boxlayout.BoxLayout

The default Settings interface class. It displays a sidebar menu with names of available settings panels, which may be used to switch which one is currently displayed.

See add_panel() for information on the method you must implement if creating your own interface.

This class also dispatches an event ‘on_close’, which is triggered when the sidebar menu’s close button is released. If creating your own interface widget, it should also dispatch such an event which will automatically be caught by Settings and used to trigger its own ‘on_close’ event.

add_panel(panel, name, uid)[ソース]

This method is used by Settings to add new panels for possible display. Any replacement for ContentPanel must implement this method.

panel: SettingsPanel

It should be stored and the interface should provide a way to switch between panels.


The name of the panel as a string. It may be used to represent the panel but isn’t necessarily unique.


A unique int identifying the panel. It should be used to identify and switch between panels.


(internal) A reference to the panel display widget (a ContentPanel).

content is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) A reference to the sidebar menu widget.

menu is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

class kivy.uix.settings.ContentPanel(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView

A class for displaying settings panels. It displays a single settings panel at a time, taking up the full size and shape of the ContentPanel. It is used by InterfaceWithSidebar and InterfaceWithSpinner to display settings.

add_panel(panel, name, uid)[ソース]

This method is used by Settings to add new panels for possible display. Any replacement for ContentPanel must implement this method.

panel: SettingsPanel

It should be stored and displayed when requested.


The name of the panel as a string. It may be used to represent the panel.


A unique int identifying the panel. It should be stored and used to identify panels when switching.


(internal) A reference to the GridLayout that contains the settings panel.

container is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) A reference to the current settings panel.

current_panel is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) A reference to the uid of the current settings panel.

current_uid is a NumericProperty and defaults to 0.


The uid of the currently displayed panel. Changing this will automatically change the displayed panel.


A panel uid. It should be used to retrieve and display a settings panel that has previously been added with add_panel().


(internal) Stores a dictionary mapping settings panels to their uids.

panels is a DictProperty and defaults to {}.

class kivy.uix.settings.MenuSidebar(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.floatlayout.FloatLayout

The menu used by InterfaceWithSidebar. It provides a sidebar with an entry for each settings panel, which the user may click to select.

add_item(name, uid)[ソース]

This method is used to add new panels to the menu.


The name (a string) of the panel. It should be used to represent the panel in the menu.


The name (an int) of the panel. It should be used internally to represent the panel and used to set self.selected_uid when the panel is changed.


(internal) Reference to the GridLayout that contains individual settings panel menu buttons.

buttons_layout is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) Reference to the widget’s Close button.

buttons_layout is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


(internal) unselects any currently selected menu buttons, unless they represent the current panel.


The uid of the currently selected panel. This may be used to switch between displayed panels, e.g. by binding it to the current_uid of a ContentPanel.

selected_uid is a NumericProperty and defaults to 0.