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 Added in バージョン 1.9.0 で追加


This is highly experimental and subject to change. Don’t use it in production.

Load an SVG as a graphics instruction:

from kivy.graphics.svg import Svg
with widget.canvas:
    svg = Svg("image.svg")

There is no widget that can display Svg directly, you have to make your own for now. Check the examples/svg for more informations.

class kivy.graphics.svg.SvgAdded in バージョン 1.9.0 で追加

ベースクラス: kivy.graphics.instructions.RenderContext

Svg class. See module for more informations about the usage.

anchor_xAdded in バージョン 1.9.0 で追加

Horizontal anchor position for scaling and rotations. Defaults to 0. The symbolic values ‘left’, ‘center’ and ‘right’ are also accepted.

anchor_yAdded in バージョン 1.9.0 で追加

Vertical anchor position for scaling and rotations. Defaults to 0. The symbolic values ‘bottom’, ‘center’ and ‘top’ are also accepted.

filenameAdded in バージョン 1.9.0 で追加

Filename to load.

The parsing and rendering is done as soon as you set the filename.