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バージョン 1.4.0 で追加.

The ModalView widget is used to create modal views. By default, the view will cover the whole “parent” window.

Remember that the default size of a Widget is size_hint=(1, 1). If you don’t want your view to be fullscreen, either use size hints with values lower than 1 (for instance size_hint=(.8, .8)) or deactivate the size_hint and use fixed size attributes.


Example of a simple 400x400 Hello world view:

view = ModalView(size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 400))
view.add_widget(Label(text='Hello world'))

By default, any click outside the view will dismiss it. If you don’t want that, you can set ModalView.auto_dismiss to False:

view = ModalView(auto_dismiss=False)
view.add_widget(Label(text='Hello world'))

To manually dismiss/close the view, use the ModalView.dismiss() method of the ModalView instance:


Both ModalView.open() and ModalView.dismiss() are bindable. That means you can directly bind the function to an action, e.g. to a button’s on_press

# create content and add it to the view
content = Button(text='Close me!')
view = ModalView(auto_dismiss=False)

# bind the on_press event of the button to the dismiss function

# open the view

ModalView Events

There are two events available: on_open which is raised when the view is opening, and on_dismiss which is raised when the view is closed. For on_dismiss, you can prevent the view from closing by explictly returning True from your callback.

def my_callback(instance):
    print('ModalView', instance, 'is being dismissed, but is prevented!')
    return True
view = ModalView()
view.add_widget(Label(text='Hello world'))

バージョン 1.5.0 で変更: The ModalView can be closed by hitting the escape key on the keyboard if the ModalView.auto_dismiss property is True (the default).

class kivy.uix.modalview.ModalView(**kwargs)[ソース]

ベースクラス: kivy.uix.anchorlayout.AnchorLayout

ModalView class. See module documentation for more information.


Fired when the ModalView is opened.


Fired when the ModalView is closed. If the callback returns True, the dismiss will be canceled.


If a widget is set on attach_to, the view will attach to the nearest parent window of the widget. If none is found, it will attach to the main/global Window.

attach_to is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


This property determines if the view is automatically dismissed when the user clicks outside it.

auto_dismiss is a BooleanProperty and defaults to True.


Background image of the view used for the view background.

background is a StringProperty and defaults to ‘atlas://data/images/defaulttheme/modalview-background’.


Background color in the format (r, g, b, a).

background_color is a ListProperty and defaults to [0, 0, 0, .7].


Border used for BorderImage graphics instruction. Used for the background_normal and the background_down properties. Can be used when using custom backgrounds.

It must be a list of four values: (bottom, right, top, left). Read the BorderImage instructions for more information about how to use it.

border is a ListProperty and defaults to (16, 16, 16, 16).

dismiss(*largs, **kwargs)[ソース]

Close the view if it is open. If you really want to close the view, whatever the on_dismiss event returns, you can use the force argument:

view = ModalView()

When the view is dismissed, it will be faded out before being removed from the parent. If you don’t want animation, use:


Show the view window from the attach_to widget. If set, it will attach to the nearest window. If the widget is not attached to any window, the view will attach to the global Window.