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 Added in バージョン 1.0.7 で追加

The Popup widget is used to create modal popups. By default, the popup will cover the whole “parent” window. When you are creating a popup, you must at least set a Popup.title and Popup.content.

Remember that the default size of a Widget is size_hint=(1, 1). If you don’t want your popup to be fullscreen, either use size hints with values less than 1 (for instance size_hint=(.8, .8)) or deactivate the size_hint and use fixed size attributes.

バージョン 1.4.0 で変更: The Popup class now inherits from ModalView. The Popup offers a default layout with a title and a separation bar.


Example of a simple 400x400 Hello world popup:

popup = Popup(title='Test popup',
    content=Label(text='Hello world'),
    size_hint=(None, None), size=(400, 400))

By default, any click outside the popup will dismiss/close it. If you don’t want that, you can set auto_dismiss to False:

popup = Popup(title='Test popup', content=Label(text='Hello world'),

To manually dismiss/close the popup, use dismiss:


Both open() and dismiss() are bindable. That means you can directly bind the function to an action, e.g. to a button’s on_press:

# create content and add to the popup
content = Button(text='Close me!')
popup = Popup(content=content, auto_dismiss=False)

# bind the on_press event of the button to the dismiss function

# open the popup